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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Marathon Man

I am not a Greek scholar. I am not especially adept with languages. But the New Testament is written in Greek and it is impossible to know the Bible without dealing with Greek and Hebrew. Most of us (including me) will therefore always deal with translations. However, I have studied Greek and so I am familiar with the vocabulary.

The word hypomenos is a composite. It consists of hypo which means "under" (like hypodermic means under the dermis or skin) and menos which means abide, stand. The word hypomenos means patience, perseverance or endurance. It used to be translated as longsuffering, though that terminology is not part of most contemporary lexicons. It is used frequently in the  New Testament. It is a foreign concept to the American culture in which I live.

I thought about this word as we gathered to celebrate the eucharist to end our vigil of prayer last night. For twelve hours various people had been in our church to pray. We do this each year to kick off the Fall. The first time we did it was 2001. As I looked at the gathered crowd I found myself remembering the many people who have come and gone over the last decade. I recalled the energy and exhuberance of those first three years I was here. Each year we saw increased attendance. People seemed excited about church. In 2003 we took a major hit with the Epsicopo-wars. Conflict, for  a while, seemed to energize us more. Many people were willing to take a stand. There was continued growth and a strong sense of 'us.'

Eight years later, we are smaller. There may be less excitement and energy. It is hard sometimes to know. What I do know is the race is long. I am not 'a runner' but I do run. I completed a half marathon. I recall the first mile where there are people everywhere and the way it felt standing ready to start. It is hard to hold yourself back as you want to race to the front. Most people cannot run very fast for a long time. You have to pace yourself. That is why one trains for a half marathon.

Church is a marathon. It is not a one or two year commitment. It is a lifelong commitment. We are one with Jesus forever. Over time, the newness wears off. We pass different mile markers, 4, 5, 6. Our bodies (and souls) begin to tire. We look at our watches and think "I have been at this a long time and still I have so far to go..." We notice people starting to disappear. They no longer run with us. They have other pressing things to do. They weaken and wonder what is the point?

This is no stunning insight. Everyone knows the race is long. It takes endurance. It takes the ability to stand up under the weight of life's disappointments. It takes strength to keep placing one foot in front of the other and follow Jesus.

When I ran the half marathon, there was a hil at about mile 8. All along that hill people were lined up. I did not know any of them. But they screamed and yelled at me (and the others) "Keep going! You can make it!" And I did. There was a sense of awe that people would do that. The hill was easier to climb because of them. It is my hope that church would be like that. People calling out "Keep your eye on Jesus. Don't quit, keep going!" Vigils of prayer serve that purpose. So does Bible study, helping others and community.

I get tired more easily now, it seems. Always prone to disillusionment, I find it more of a challenge at this point in life. There are, according to research, fewer and fewer of us doing this church/discipleship thing. It is easier for people to quit and walk away. Yet there are many who keep at it. Sons and Daughters of the True King. We run, sometimes slowly, hobbled and hurting, but we run. Praying. Loving. Believing. Studying. Serving.

God sees. It is worth the effort. So I yell to you, dear reader, "Keep GOING! Jesus is with us. For Him. With Him! Keep going!"

1 comment:

  1. And I yell to you, "Keep going! You can do it!" And I thank you for continuing to run. God sees. It is worth the effort.

    I just ordered flowers for my niece and had them write out Isaiah 40:31 on the card. I don't know if she will be able to physically run after these surgeries...but I pray she will be able to wait on the LORD and renew her strength and soar like eagles. Praying the same for you right now.
