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Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day of School

Yesterday my daughter said to me, "Summer is over."

"No," I reminded her, "It will still be 100 degrees. Summer is not over, vacation is."

Endings and Beginnings. Most adults can remember back to the first days of school. I recall being so excited that I couldn't fall asleep. My mind raced with questions. Would there be someone gone or someone knew? Who was my teacher going to be? What classes were we going to have? What adventures were to take place?

Tne unknnown. Anticipation. Excitement. The joy of wonder.

Too often our adult lives are spent trudging through each day. We lose the ability fo anticpate or be excited. It seems that this is a natural process. As much as being young at heart sounds great, there is also something wrong with adults who never grow up. Peter Pan, at age 45, is rather creepy. However, we want more than simply to be a hollowed out, beat down shell of the person we were.

Jesus said we are to be like children in the Kingdom. In His time, children were hardly idealized. I think, therefore, that His point is more important. Be children. Probably, what it means, is to live in anticipation. Anticipation of the Kingdom. Hungry and thirsty for God. Looking forward to all that will be. Trusting and Hoping and Living on the edge, the edge of a new adventure. An adventure with God.

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