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Sunday, June 19, 2011

Too Late

Next Fall we are studying 2 Esdras in my Thursday class. I had read it some years ago and am now reading it a second time before I begin commentary work. It is similar to much of the Old Testament and in places seems to be influenced by a Christian hand. The main character, Ezra the prophet, is modeled on the OT figure Ezra. Because in my Wednesday Bible study I am preparing notes on Ezra and Nehemiah it is very interesting to see how this historic figure has become something of an apocalyptic figure.

A recurring theme of the earliest chapters is the question God asks, "How long shall I endure them, on whom I have besotwed such great benefits?" How long, in deed?

The book has a disturbing idea. This world God made for many, but the next world for only a few. The saved are precious, because, like gold, they are rare. Jesus says similar things. Jesus says the door will be closed and those outside will cry out, do you not remember me?

Another theme, some day it will  be too late to repent. Too late. I pondered that this morning around 4am. Baby had wakened me and I did not get back to sleep. Lying there, listening to his breathing and his mother's breathing, I realized I was not going to fall back asleep. There is a point on a sleepless night where the "un-slumberer" comes to the conclusion that it is too late to fall asleep. The opportunity is passed. I will not sleep.

As I lay there, realizing this night was lost, I found myself realizing the same is true of life. Life can also be lost. The counter narrative is the proclamation that there is nothing to worry about, it is never too late. Ironically, the more this sort of (pseudo) 'good news' is proclaimed, the worse people seem to behave.

It is a sick feeling to ponder that this world is for many and the next is for few. Yet Jesus Himself said strive to enter by the narrow gate, the way of the lost is wide. Wow!

As I see the faith of many grow cold and watach the wider society I wonder about our future. Today's Gospel reminds us that Jesus sends us into the world to bring people to obey Him and be baptized. I think it is good to keep in mind we do not have forever. Some day it will be too late. Don't believe it because of 2 Esdras. Believe it because of Jesus.

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