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Wednesday, June 22, 2011


The word "Expectations" has many different connotations.

Working at Youth Villages, they were a key component of the behavioral management system. Before activities the young people would gather in a circle ("huddle up") and lay out three expectations for behavior. Things like, be respectful, observe personal space, and respond to adults on first request. The expectations gave the young people a clear idea of what they should do. Following the activity the group again gathered to assess how well they had done, using a three point scale. It is a helpful way to mold pro-social behavior.

Theologically, expectation is a spiritual stance. I have a tee shirt which I wore to sleep last night. It has the word "Watch" on the front and a biblical quote on the back. I do not remember the exact quote, but it caught my eye as I took the shirt off this morning and came back to me as I started this blog today. The gist of it was that we should be people standing ready in expectation of the Lord's return. I like the idea. It is a central component to the apocalyptic spirituality of Jesus. It emphasizes the belief that Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead. It helps to keep life in right perspective and generates hope for a better day.

Lastly, expectations can mean 'what I expect will happen.' These expectations may be conscious or unconscious. We may say, "I think it is going to rain this weekend." This expectation is based on the weather map and predictions of the weatherman. Or perhaps, one has big plans for the weekend (State Tournament!) and so assumes something will happen to wreck it so.... it will have to rain! Our expectations generate emotions and our fears/dreams can generate expectations.

Having a new baby (three weeks and a day) one is confronted with endless expectations. You study his little face and look at his siblings and wonder, what will be look like? You take notice of how he eats, sleeps, and poops. Is everything okay? If you are well read, you stumble across endless possible problems. The endless warnings of what could happen and what could go wrong can beat a person down. On the one hand, we trust God. On the other hand, things happen.

Life hangs by a thread. We are always a moment away from everything being turned upside down. A friend on a bike ride ends up in a horrible wreck; an inch or two away from paralysis or death. The printer grabs his chest, says call 911, and drops dead. A broken leg emits marrow into the body which lodges in the brain, inducing a three month coma and the threat of reduced mental function. All of these are true stories which I  have heard about the last two days. Real life. Even people who love and trust God have bad things happen to them.

I am not sure about what my expectations should be each day. I think I expect each day will be fine. But I worry more with the baby than I do with myself. I think that is normal. There are issues which a parent, no matter how old or experienced, must deal with. Many times we feel up to the challenge. At other times we may wonder, "can I do this?" Having an expectant heart, longing for the Lord, can make everything different. It flavors our life with hope.

Facing the harsh realities of life can generate uncertainty and fear. One expectation we need to nurture is the belief that "with God I can get through this." It also takes courage. That is why one of God's most frequent commands is "Fear Not!"

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