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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Facing Reality on Church Debates

I was invited to join an Anglican Forum on Facebook. I receive e-mails on postings which I can read without going to the acutal site. Truth is I do not have time to visit the site. Recently I noticed several comments to the effect that the "tone was combative" and some people have left the forum. This led me to actually go there and look at it a bit. [Our church (Anglican) is torn between warring factions in the social wars. The Episcopal Church is dominated by Liberals. The break away Anglican churches (in America) are Conservative.]

I have plenty of experience with the debates, I served as one of the (minority) voices for the Conservative views on a discussion forum for the Episcopal Church in 2002-2003. The 'debates' are usually useless. Most people have made up their minds so it often times becomes a screaming contest. Many of the issues include a great deal of personal emotional baggage (as one guy wrote me "you are saying that I am...") so it is hard to make rational discussion happen. The culture wars in politics are reflected in much of the arguments and there is the same level of anger and disdain as we see in the culture wars. The only thing I try to remember is vitriol has long been a major component of all debate for all time. There has never been a golden age of respectful discussion and disagreement.

While I continue to hold the traditional Christian faith, I generally do not engage the Liberals in our wider church. They have the power and they are not in a discussing mood much of the time. I have, from time to time, engaged youunger clergy which has been fruitful. Being one of the only guys left, I am less intimidating. There is value in having a dissenting voice. I try to be reasoned and open in listening. I try to be respectful. I do not compromise on those things which are beyond compromise. I assume others will act on their principles as well.

Another thing with which I deal is the issue of 'where to draw the line'? I wrote several blogs on other issues (Bible, sacraments, etc.) which mean more to me than some of the current debate topics. There are lots of things about which we cannot agree, yet have to live together. Some Conservatives call me a sell out. I have some snappy responses, but in the end, but why waste breath arguing? God will judge me. I am worried enough about Him, why bother with fallible human judgments?

Personally, I have concerns about my baby. I pray for him alot. First off, that he will be holy, next, for his health. I worry about my other kids, too. It is a reminder that most people are also tied up in their own lives. Professionally, I counsel people dealing with death, divorce, job loss, illness. I try to pastor them in their here and now. Few of them really care about the "big issues" pulling the church apart on an ongoing, day-to-day basis. I am focused on leading my parish into the heart of God and caring for their needs. I am focused on prayer, worship, study, evangelism, and service. I am trying to be a good dad in the hours that remain each day. Not much left for debating about gay marriage or whatever the next big issue is. Not much energy left to defend my "outdated beliefs" or serve as "orthodoxy sheriff." I am not saying I won't engage if asked. I certainly write about things which are controversial. I just do not go out looking for trouble.

I would rather teach people to pray and read the Bible, involve themselves in the local parish to preach Jesus' Kingdom and serve others. I would rather help people to form loving community. If someone rejects my leadership because I am not politically correct or engaged in the latest Liberal action plan, so be it. It hurts, lots of people with whom I thought I had a close relationship have gotten mad and left, but I will survive. They do not like me and they can find peace elsewhere. God, in the end, is The Judge. It is better that way.


  1. The trouble is that they just won't leave you alone. And they won't be satisfied with name calling. Eventually they will take more aggressive steps against you. It's the nature of the beast.

  2. We've all be warned these days were coming. We have largely been in a safety bubble for no other reason except we live in the western hemi. There is no debate to be had; once we recognize that, we are free to do what we have been commanded to do.

  3. Good for you! The Gospel ... live it and share it. That's the proper focus.
