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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Advent Spirituality 2

More on waiting.

As most people know, we have lots of doctor appointments and some extra worries about our baby. There is much we do not know about his development. We have to "wait and see".

On the one hand, all of us have unknown futures, so in reality we must all wait and see. I am keenly aware that his sister and brother, both vibrant, healthy, bright, beautiful children have an equally unknown future. Illness or accident could transform them in a moment into a much different type of person. I have memories of my parents, both struck down as young adults with serious medical issues. Heart disease, cancer and assorted maladies twisted them and finally took them from the earth at a relatively early age. I was at a parish party, talking and laughing with one of my dearest friends a couple of years ago. A healthy, strong man, a few hours his heart stopped. So, yes, life is uncertain. I get it, still....

On the other hand, there is a difference about an unknown future and waiting to find out how things will turn out. When a doctor says "maybe", waiting for the results is different than the regular unknown. Uncertainty feels different when it has been identified as a possiblity.

Advent waiting should be like that. We have been told that Jesus may be back today. No one knows (except the Father). There is a difference in waiting for His return and wondering what the future will  be. We know, to some extent, that the future will be under His Kingship. We know that Justice, Righteousness, Peace, Joy, Love are all part of that future. We know that living in His Kingdom will be a gift, a grace, a blessing. We cannot earn it. We also know that living in His Kingdom will take a different skill set. We will have to be changed, all of us (even and especially Christians). Our values will  need to be reordered. We will need to learn obedience and service. We will need to worship more and complain less. So there is much effort to extend to become the kind of people we need to be.

Advent waiting is a time to try on those virtues. It is a time to be shaped today for the future glory; a time to become today what we need to  be to live in that tomorrow. Advent is not Lent, but this year I have added some "mini-Lenten" disciplines to my Advent. Little 'fastings' which will sharpen my awareness that it is not Christmas season and it is a time to hunger for His return. I suggest increased Scripture reading (I am in Genesis and marveling, once again, at the amazing stories in the Torah). I suggest some small "fasting' from something. Heighten the awareness. Sharpen the desire for Jesus' return to reign. Focus on, desire, hunger for the divine consumation. Maybe if we all prayed more, "Come Lord Jesus!" this year He would hear our prayer and come among us as Lord and King! That would be the best Christmas ever!

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