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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

End of World

Sunday we had our first High School Sunday School class of the new year. We are studying the Book of Revelation. For many people the "Left Behind" series is the only approach to this book.

One interesting fact is that the Book of Revelation was not universally accepted as Scripture in the early church. In fact, many in the church rejected its authroity. Obviously, it is in the Bible, but that process was not smooth. I also know that in the church's lectionary, there are few appearances from this book. SO although it is in the Bible, it is only rarely read in the church's worship. What is also interesting to me is that there is no definitive way to read the Book of Revelation. In fact, over the history of the church, there have been four approaches which were utilized in reading this book. In simplest form, two of the approaches see it as predicting the 'end of the world.' One says that process will begin in the future, while the other thinks the process has already begun and is moving to completion at some point in the future. A third approach thinks the book was actually predicting the Fall of Jerusalem in 70AD and spoke in cosmic terms about that past event (it was the "end of the world as we know it"). The fourth approach sees the Book as symbolic of the struggle between God's rule and the principalities and powers in every age. Hence, it is a 'spiritual' reading applicable to any time.

I lean toward the latter two modes, in large part because I have seen how much of the imagery used in Revelation can be found throughout the Old Testament, especially in the prophets. The expression, "coming on the clouds" (which is frequently associated with the rapture) can be found in the OT to describe God's judgment. Obviously, interpretation is impacted by how one approaches the text.

The bigger question is, does God have a certain date set for the end of the world, or is it something that will be determined in response to human activity? I believe God has a plan, but that doesn't really answer the question. His plan may be to end the world on March 21, 2039. Or His plan may be to end the world when the diabolical powers establish their counter kingdom. Perhaps the battle has waged on and on for centuries. Maybe Hitler or Stalin were close to it. Maybe if WWII or the Cold War had ended differently then God would have acted in the final, definitive way.

In some ways, the answer to that question impacts my life today. Does God already know when, or am I (and you) playing a part in the process? In other words, does prayer, politics, personal and public morality have an impact on God's world. Does what we pray and do matter?

There are many approaches to this question as well. But as I look at the Middle East, the economic meltdown, the threats of war it gets me to wondering. And as I look at the advances and improvements in daily life, the remarkable blessings which we take for granted, I feel some wonder. What is God up to? What part do you and I play? How we live our lifes is the actual answer we give to that question.

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