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Friday, May 6, 2011

The Flood, The Blood!

Memphis Tennessee sits on a bluff next to the Mississippi River. Across the river, in Arkansas, it is flatter. Over the years it has been a regular fact of life that the river swells and the other side is under water as the Mississippi reaches beyond its normal banks and extends into the low lying areas of our sister state. Today, we are approaching a river height not seen since 1937. Projections say we will exceed that historic flood. Now our side is being impacted.

Already we are seeing some areas under water. The news ticker is projecting the number of homes (700+) and businesses and churches which are going to end up under water. Numerous roads, familiar to locals, are closed due to flooding. I hear the interstate to Little Rock is closed for miles and miles.

We sit and wait the coming destruction. Folks who deal with such things are scurrying about trying to prepare to limit the effects. Others no doubt pray to be spared. There is just a fact of too much water colliding with other facts, like some places are low enough that the water will swallow them.

There is another approaching flood, only in reverse. The blood donation base is made up of people who are now in their 60's and above. While the need is not diminishing, the donors are. Each year people who want to give no longer can give because of medical issues or mortality. I am scheduled to give blood today. I do it because there is no alternative to human donors doing that. When September 11 happened, the blood bank was swamped by donors. Most of them were one time donors. We Americans like a crisis. Sadly, the crisis of need continues, it is just the giving that doesn't keep up. The daily crisis of people needing blood for surgery or due to an injury isn't exciting enough to stimulate the masses. If you can give you should give. If you can't give you should talk about it so others know of the need. It is literally a way to save someone's life. Literally. That is so cool to think about. And it is something you can do again and again. Saving lives.

There are lots of times when all the different theological positions and beliefs bombard me into dazed confusion. I am, however, absolutely sure about this. Jesus gave His blood for us. He told us to do the same in memory of Him (sacramentally, figuratively and literally). A Christian can be very certain that Jesus is well pleased when we give blood. Jesus is into saving lives, He is a Savior after all. He is also into His disciples following His example. So do it for Jesus. Give!

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