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Thursday, April 26, 2012


The purpose of prayer is communion with God.
Meditation takes us to a deeper place of reflective knowledge, it has an experiential component.

First step is literally to slow down and focus. Remind yourself that you are trying to pray, that you want to know, love, obey and serve God. Remind yourself that distractions will come so just return focus to God when a distraction does show up. Do not get upset or frustrated. Do not focus on the distraction. Just move on to the primary goal.

I recommend a few deep breaths. I recommend some sort of repetitive prayer like "Lord Jesus mercy" or "We bless you, thank you, praise you Father God." This is the "quieting" process and should last a minute or two. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your meditation. God is the gift-giver and source.

Now look at the text. Today I took a verse from the most recent passage which I read in my own meditation. Genesis 48:10 (And Israel's eyes were heavy from old age. He was not able to see)

The first connection I make is with Israel/Jacob's deceit as a young man. His father, Isaac, was an old man who could not see. Jacob stole his brother Esau's blessing. There is a tie-in here as Israel is blessing the sons of Joseph and gives the younger a better blessing than the older. Bible stories interpenetrate each other. Words and themes tie the disparate pieces together like molecules. The OT is especially covert in its story telling. People, like Jacob, do terrible things without a negative word of judgment. The narrator refuses to spell it out for us with adjectives. It is tempting to think the Lord is neutral on such things. However, later the seed produces a harvest. Jacob the deceiver is deceived, again and again. No word of judgment is explicitly found in the story, but those with eyes to see are well aware. What goes around comes around.

The word see appears earlier in the text. In chpater 42 we read "Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt" and he "said to his sons,'why do you look at each other?'" Eyes, seeing, looking have multiple meanings. Jacob sees grain literally means he knows that there is grain in Egypt. This is the connector to Joseph. Jacob's "sight" sets the ball in further motion culminating in the reunion. [Discern the hand of the unseen God here] It is a reminder that things are happening around us with Divine influence. It is not always discerned nor can it be deciphered through wisdom or logic. It appears to simply be good fortune or luck to the unbeliever. Another note, he upbraids the sons for standing around and looking at one another (and donig nothing). To 'see' is not always to 'see.' The boys can physically see but without insight.

Israel/Jacob, now nearly blind, has insight into the destiny of his grandsons (Ephraim and Mannaseh). He has come to this insight having traveled a path of sin, suffering and divine blessing. He has become a great nation, or at least a good start toward one.

What of the meditator? Consider how well you see. What is your blind spot? What is it about your spouse, co-worker, friend you do not understand? What issues plague or threaten you? Do you stand around "looking" or are you seeing the solution (Egypt)? What blessings do you distribute to the young ones in your life? Do you trust God is also at work?

On a different path, how do you accept the deterioration of aging? Can you be comfortable with diminishing powers and capabilities. Can you find new strengths (perhaps increased trust, or patience, or a calmer spirit) as a result from the slow motion dying of your body? What is your legacy? What "nation" are you creating?

On a different path, what are you reaping in life? How is it a function of the seeds sown in previous decisions? How are the curses being broken by new choices? Have you repented and ammended your life? Have you paid the price and moved on?

What then do I do and/or pray for in response to this reading? Perhaps I feel a push to go to volunteer with a retirement home? Maybe I am moved to sit with some youngsters and confer blessing. Maybe God is telling me to donate my eyes for transplant, or collect glasses for the Lion's Club. Maybe I know someone who cannot see well and I call them and say I will come by to read to them. Or I read at the local radio station which provides that service around the clock.

Perhaps I pray for insight. I recognize my limits and ask God's help. Or I see how God has gotten me to a new and happy place (with "my Joseph and grandkids" -- whoever or whatever that is) without my ever seeing it coming. So I spend some time in thanks and more thanks. I realize how wonderfully blessed I am in my circumstance. I look to discern the blessings and focus on them. Instead of complaining about life in a foreign land. So I can pray with thanks. I can pray a declaration of faith: "I know, O Lord, that your hand guides me in ways I do not know. I trust you, Lord, God, Crator and Savior."

1 comment:

  1. After a soft start, you have dug into this to the point that it may be your major opus for the year. If you are able to complete it this year. Or it may be an outline/practice run for the book you've been wanting to write. However it happened and happens, congratulations.

    More people should know about this. People who are interested in personal spiritual growth through prayer.
