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Monday, April 25, 2011


Today I will be brief. This morning during prayer I found myself thinking about the 'day after' for the disciples. I am pretty tired and exhausted right now. I think the apostles felt the same. Life in the flesh is that way (Jesus said the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak). I would assume that the sense of amazement continued. The new idea, resurrection, would not have been processed in one day. The relief of Christ's mercy and the joy of His love was probably the most powerful experience. I find it helpful to think about real life people and their real life experience when I meditate on Scripture. It is a good way to plug into the truth. Jesus is risen. Normal folks like you and me were part of the event. What they told others, we can tell others. It is that simple. That proclamation (in word and deed) is the work of the church, as is wondering, together. We wonder about these mysteries which leads to worship. We wonder togther which leads to conversion. We wonder together which leads to community of faith.

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