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Monday, November 26, 2012


One thing that really stands out in reading the OT prophecies is how often the wider context is ignored by those who claim it is a "prediction" about Jesus. Once one buys into the "snippet-clip-it" approach to the Scriptures, the argument for accuracy becomes easier. After all, one is going back, after the fact, and editing the text to fit perfectly.

This does not mean that I do not believe in divine inspiration or that somehow I think the prophets are useless for understanding Jesus. It does not mean that I do not think they ever spoke about future circumstances or revealed God's plans in the days (and years) ahead. It does not mean that I think that Jesus is not the Messiah or that if one searches the OT there is no reference to Him.

What I am saying is, if you snatch a verse out of context and lay it down alongside a story about Jesus it is easy to think that Isaiah (or Jeremiah, or etc.) was told by God about Jesus (who is coming is hundreds of years). I think this is not the best approach. Rather, it is best to see Jesus as filling up the Scriptures of the OT. It is best to see Him as recapitulating the story of Israel. It is best to see that the snippet is part of a bigger story and that the whole story is taken up in the story of Jesus. Jesus fulfills not a particular prediction as much as the totality of God's promise to Israel.

This irritates some. They prefer a deeper magic and amazment in their religion. So be it. But if so, do not read to long or hard. There will be things that do not fit such an approach. And it will close you off. However, ponder if God's hand is more subtle, that makes it no less true. More to come......

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